In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function, division

In [2]:
# This changes the current directory to the base saga directory - make sure to run this first!
# This is necessary to be able to import the py files and use the right directories,
# while keeping all the notebooks in their own directory.
import os
import sys
import time
import shutil

import urllib

if 'saga_base_dir' not in locals():
    saga_base_dir = os.path.abspath('..')
if saga_base_dir not in sys.path:

In [3]:
import hosts
import decals

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle
from astropy import table
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits

from astropy.utils import data

import tqdm
from IPython import display

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import style, pyplot as plt'seaborn-deep')
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'viridis'
plt.rcParams['image.origin'] = 'lower'
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14, 8)

Load the bricks and SAGA hosts

In [5]:
bricks ='decals_dr4/survey-bricks.fits.gz')
bricksdr3 ='decals_dr3/survey-bricks-dr3.fits.gz')
bricksdr4 ='decals_dr4/survey-bricks-dr4.fits.gz')

In [10]:
hostobjs = hosts.get_saga_hosts_from_google()
for host in hostobjs:
    host.fnsdss = 'catalogs/base_sql_nsa{}.fits.gz'.format(host.nsaid)
hostsbyname = { for h in hostobjs}

Using cached version of google hosts list from file "hosts_dl.pkl2"

In [13]:
hoststogen = [hostsbyname['Alice']]

host_bricks_3 = decals.find_host_bricks(hoststogen, bricksdr3, bricks)
host_bricks_4 = decals.find_host_bricks(hoststogen, bricksdr4, bricks)

host_bricks_dct = {3:host_bricks_3, 4:host_bricks_4}

Build combined catalogs for every host

In [14]:
for hostobj in hoststogen:
    hbricks = host_bricks_3[host_bricks_3['closest_host_name'] ==]
    catfn = 'decals_dr3/'

In [15]:
def load_host_catalog(hostobj, drnum):
    host_bricks = host_bricks_dct[drnum]
    tabs = []
    for brick in host_bricks[host_bricks['closest_host_name'] ==]:
        catfn = 'decals_dr{}/catalogs/tractor-{}.fits'.format(drnum, brick['brickname'])
        cat =
        cat['objname'] = ['{}-{}'.format(row['brickname'], row['objid']) for row in cat]
    if tabs:
        return table.vstack(tabs)

In [17]:
for hostobj in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(hoststogen):
    hostobj.cats3 = load_host_catalog(hostobj, 3)
[(, len(hostobj.cats3)) for hostobj in hoststogen if hostobj.cats3 is not None]

WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P3='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P4='fracDev.FracDev' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P5='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P6='shapeExp.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P7' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P7='shapeExp.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P8' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P8='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P9' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P9='shapeDev.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P10' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P10='shapeDev.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P3='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P4='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P5='shape.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P6='shape.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_G_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_G_P3='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_S_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_S_P3='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P3='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P4='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P5='shape.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P6='shape.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_S_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_S_P3='brightness.r' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P3='brightness.r' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P4='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P5='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P6='shape.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P3='brightness.r' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P4='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P5='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P6='shape.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P3='brightness.r' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P4='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P5='fracDev.FracDev' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P6='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P7' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P7='shapeExp.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P8' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P8='shapeExp.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P9' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P9='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P10' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P10='shapeDev.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_G_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_G_P3='brightness.r' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P2='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P3='fracDev.FracDev' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P4='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P5='shapeExp.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P6' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P6='shapeExp.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P7' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P7='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P8' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P8='shapeDev.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P9' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P9='shapeDev.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P2='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P3='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P4='shape.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P5='shape.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_G_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_G_P2='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_S_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_S_P2='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P2='brightness.z' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P3' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P3='' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P4' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P4='shape.e1' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P5' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P5='shape.e2' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_C_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_C_P2='brightness.g' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_E_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_E_P2='brightness.g' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_G_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_G_P2='brightness.g' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_S_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_S_P2='brightness.g' [astropy.utils.metadata]
WARNING: MergeConflictWarning: Cannot merge meta key 'TR_D_P2' types <type 'str'> and <type 'str'>, choosing TR_D_P2='brightness.g' [astropy.utils.metadata]
[('Alice', 237279)]

In [18]:
for hostobj in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(hoststogen):
    hostobj.cats4 = load_host_catalog(hostobj, 4)
[(, len(hostobj.cats4)) for hostobj in hoststogen if hostobj.cats4 is not None]


Compute surface brightnesses

In [19]:
for host in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(hoststogen):
    for cat in (host.cats3, host.cats4):
        if cat is not None:
            decals.aperture_sbs_catalog(cat, bandname='r')
            decals.interpolate_catalog_sb(cat, loopfunc=lambda x: tqdm.tqdm_notebook(x, leave=False)) RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  mag = np.array(22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(flux)) RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  mag = np.array(22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(flux))
/Users/erik/miniconda3/envs/saga/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/units/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power
  return super(Quantity, self).__pow__(other)
/Users/erik/miniconda3/envs/saga/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/units/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  return super(Quantity, self).__truediv__(other) RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  return np.array(22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(apflux) + A) * u.mag * u.arcsec**-2 RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  return np.array(22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(apflux) + A) * u.mag * u.arcsec**-2 RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  A = 2.5*np.log10(np.pi*(**2) RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in add
  return np.array(22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(apflux) + A) * u.mag * u.arcsec**-2

Overall quality measures

In [34]:
for host in hoststogen:
    for cat in (host.cats3, host.cats4):
        if cat is not None:
            scs = SkyCoord(cat['ra'], cat['dec'], unit=u.deg)
            subcat = cat[host.within_environs(scs)]
            if 'decam_galdepth' in subcat.colnames:
                psfdepthr = subcat['decam_depth'][:, 2]
                galdepthr = subcat['decam_galdepth'][:, 2]
                psfdepthr = subcat['psfdepth_r']
                galdepthr = subcat['galdepth_r']
            psfdepths =-2.5*(np.log10(5*psfdepthr**-0.5)-9)
            galdepths =-2.5*(np.log10(5*galdepthr**-0.5)-9)
            plt.hist(psfdepths[np.isfinite(psfdepths)], bins=100, histtype='step', label='psf')
            plt.hist(galdepths[np.isfinite(galdepths)], bins=100, histtype='step', label='gal')

/Users/erik/miniconda3/envs/saga/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power
/Users/erik/miniconda3/envs/saga/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power

In [38]:
for host in hoststogen:
    for cat, dr in zip((host.cats3, host.cats4), (3,4)):
        if cat is not None:
            fn = 'catalogs/{}_decals_dr{}.fits'.format(, dr)
            print('writing', fn)
            cat.write(fn, format='fits')